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Screen Contest #90


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Funzionamento Composite Characters/Visual Equipment

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  • StellettaStelletta
  • 164 messaggi
  • Sesso:Maschio
  • Provenienza:NAPOLI
  • Abilitā:Novizio

#1 Inviato 16 September 2012 - 11:27 AM

# Composite Characters / Visual Equipment
# Version 1.0
# Author: modern algebra (rmrk.net)
# Date: July 5, 2008
# Instructions:
# Place this script in between Materials and Main in the Script Editor
# To set a graphic for an armor or weapon, all you need to do is place this
# code in the Notes box of the item:
# \CG[<Name of Character Set>, <index in character set>, <hue>]
# If you leave out index, it defaults to 0 and if you leave out hue, it also
# defaults to 0. You can put more than one graphic to an armor or weapon and
# they will stack, first one on bottom last one on top.
# Setting up an Event is similar - all you need to do is place a comment at
# the very beginning of the event and put in the same code to generate a
# composite character set for the event. Same rules apply, and remember, you
# can stack character sets.
# \cg[Actor1, 2] # Character Set = Actor1 : index = 2 : hue = 0
# \CG[Evil] # Character Set = Evil : index = 0 : hue = 0
# \cG[Actor2, 3, 50] # Character Set = Actor2 : index = 3 : hue = 50
# Setting up your Actors is similar - see line 151 for details.
# Compatibility:
# Unfortunately, I did need to overwrite some methods for this script, and
# as such there are likely to be compatibility problems. I know that my
# Extra Movement Frames Script certainly will not work with this script, and
# any script that tampers with the way a character set is drawn will also
# likely encounter problems. Now, this is not to say that any script that
# draws a character set will be incompatible - as long as that scripter uses
# the draw_actor_graphic method of Window_Base it should work fine - it is
# only scripts that change the way a character set is drawn that will cause
# problems. Also, I tamper with the load_gamedata method of Window_SaveFile,
# and so if another script overwrites that then there will again be
# compatibility issues. If you find a script that seems to cause problems,
# please post at the topic at rmrk.net and I will try my best to assist you.

# *** module Cache
# Summary of Changes:
# new method - composite_character

module Cache
# * Composite Character
# char_array : An array holding the names of all parts of a graphic
# Composes a single character bitmap out of all the ones given.
def self.composite_character (char_array)
@cache = {} if @cache == nil
# Blank bitmap if there is nothing in the array.
@cache[char_array] = Bitmap.new (32, 32) if char_array.empty?
# If not in the cache
if !@cache.include? (char_array) || @cache[char_array].disposed?
# Create a template bitmap
bitmap = Bitmap.new (32, 32)
# Add in all other graphics
char_array.each { |i|
name, index, hue = i[0], i[1], i[2]
# Bypass self.character in order to allow for setting hue
bmp = load_bitmap ("Graphics/Characters/", name, hue)
sign = name[/^[\!\$]./]
# Get the width and height of the single character
if sign != nil && sign.include? ('$')
wdth, hght = bmp.width, bmp.width
wdth = bmp.width / 4
hght = bmp.height / 2
# Expand bitmap if necessary
if bitmap.width < wdth || bitmap.height < hght
# Recreate bitmap
temp_bmp = bitmap.dup
bitmap = Bitmap.new ([temp_bmp.width, wdth].max, [temp_bmp.height, hght].max)
bitmap.blt (0, 0, temp_bmp, temp_bmp.rect)
# Draw new character graphic onto bitmap
src_rect = Rect.new ((index%4)*wdth, (index/4)*hght, wdth, hght)
bitmap.blt (0, 0, bmp, src_rect)
@cache[char_array] = bitmap
return @cache[char_array]

# ** RPG::BaseItem
# Summary of Changes:
# new method - character_graphics

class RPG::BaseItem
# * Character Graphics
# Retrieves Character Graphics from Note Field
def character_graphics
graphics = []
# Retrieve Note Field
text = self.note.dup
while text.sub! (/\\cg\[([\w\s]+),*\s*(\d*),*\s*(\d*)\]/i) { '' } != nil
graphics.push ([$1.to_s, $2.to_i, $3.to_i])
return graphics

# ** Game_Actor
# Summary of Changes:
# new method - composite_character
# aliased_method - initialize, change_equip

class Game_Actor
# * Public Instance Variable
attr_writer :composite_character
# * Object Initalization
# Initializes stacked_character variable
alias modalg_arclght_vsual_equip_init_4t6h initialize
def initialize (id)

# Run Original Method
modalg_arclght_vsual_equip_init_4t6h (id)
@composite_character = []
case @actor_id
# An actor will automatically have whatever you set in the database
# as a bottom layer for him, but if you need to have other character
# sets piled on top, then put them in this format:
# when <actor_id>
# @composite_character.push (['graphic_name', index, hue])
# *for as many graphics as you want - first ones drawn first. If you
# want to know what each is, see the Instructions in the header.
when 99 # 1st Actor
# Create Hair Sprite
@composite_character.push (['', 1, 100])
when 99 # 3rd Actor
# Create skin sprite with different hue
@composite_character.push (['', 0, 20])
# Create Hair Sprites
@composite_character.push (['', 2, 75])
@composite_character.push (['', 3, 75])

@composite_character.each { |i|
i[1] = 0 if i[1] == nil
i[2] = 0 if i[2] == nil
@composite_character.unshift ([@character_name, @character_index, 0]) if @character_name != ''
# * Get Composite Character
# Returns Graphic Array for the actor
def composite_character
armor_graphics = []
weapon_graphics = []
# Body Armor, then Helmet, then Shield, then all others
dup_armors = armors.dup
for i in 0 ...2
j = 2 - i
armor_graphics += dup_armors[j].character_graphics if dup_armors[j] != nil
dup_armors.delete_at (j)
# If there is some multi-equip script, will get accessories and rest in order
dup_armors.each { |armr| armor_graphics += armr.character_graphics if armr != nil }
weapons.each { |wpn| weapon_graphics += wpn.character_graphics if wpn != nil }
return @composite_character + armor_graphics + weapon_graphics
# * Change Equipment (designate object)
# Refresh Player to demonstrate armor cg
alias modalg_rfrsh_plyer_eq_chnge_8mj2 change_equip
def change_equip(equip_type, item, test = false)
modalg_rfrsh_plyer_eq_chnge_8mj2 (equip_type, item, test)
# ** Game_Party
class Game_Party
attr_reader :actors

# ** Game_Character
# Summary of Changes:
# new instance variable - composite_character

class Game_Character
# * Public Instance Variables
attr_reader :composite_character

# ** Game_Event
# Summary of Changes:
# aliased methods - setup

class Game_Event
# * Event page setup
alias malgbr_rclgh_req_comp_char_setup_5msk setup
def setup(new_page)
malgbr_rclgh_req_comp_char_setup_5msk (new_page)
# Create Composite Character
@composite_character = []
@composite_character.push ([@character_name, @character_index, 0]) unless @character_name.nil?
# If page == nil, return
return if @page == nil
# Retrieve first line comments
comments = []
@page.list.each { |i| i.code == 108 || i.code == 408 ? comments.push (i) : break }
# Evaluate comments for \CG codes
comments.each { |i|
text = i.parameters[0].dup
while text.sub! (/\\cg\[([\w\s]+),*\s*(\d*),*\s*(\d*)\]/i) { '' } != nil
@composite_character.push ([$1.to_s, $2.to_i, $3.to_i])

# ** Game_Player
# Summary of Changes:
# aliased method - refresh

class Game_Player
# * Refresh
alias mdalg_arc_comp_character_find_rfrsh_8kwi refresh
def refresh
return if $game_party.members.empty?
@composite_character = $game_party.members[0].composite_character

# ** Sprite_Character
# Summary of Changes:
# aliased method - update_bitmap

class Sprite_Character
# * Update Transfer Origin Bitmap
alias modern_alg_arclightrequest_visual_equip_bmp_update update_bitmap
def update_bitmap
if @tile_id != @character.tile_id or
@character_name != @character.character_name or
@character_index != @character.character_index ||
@composite_character != @character.composite_character
@tile_id = @character.tile_id
@character_name = @character.character_name
@character_index = 0
@composite_character = @character.composite_character
if @tile_id > 0
sx = (@tile_id / 128 % 2 * 8 + @tile_id % 8) * 32;
sy = @tile_id % 256 / 8 % 16 * 32;
self.bitmap = tileset_bitmap(@tile_id)
self.src_rect.set(sx, sy, 32, 32)
self.ox = 16
self.oy = 32
if @composite_character == nil
# Regular Character Picture
self.bitmap = Cache.character(@character_name)
sign = @character_name[/^[\!\$]./]
if sign != nil and sign.include?('$')
@cw = bitmap.width / 3
@ch = bitmap.height / 4
@cw = bitmap.width / 12
@ch = bitmap.height / 8
self.bitmap = Cache.composite_character(@composite_character)
@cw = self.bitmap.width / 3
@ch = self.bitmap.height / 4
self.ox = @cw / 2
self.oy = @ch
# * Update Transfer Origin Rectangle
def update_src_rect
if @tile_id == 0
index = 0
pattern = @character.pattern < 3 ? @character.pattern : 1
sx = (index % 4 * 3 + pattern) * @cw
sy = (index / 4 * 4 + (@character.direction - 2) / 2) * @ch
self.src_rect.set(sx, sy, @cw, @ch)

# ** Window_Base
# Summary of Changes:
# overwritten method - draw_character_graphic

class Window_Base
# * Draw Actor Walking Graphic
# actor : actor
# x : draw spot x-coordinate
# y : draw spot y-coordinate
def draw_actor_graphic(actor, x, y)
bitmap = Cache.composite_character (actor.composite_character)
cw = bitmap.width / 3
ch = bitmap.height / 4
rect = Rect.new (cw, 0, cw, ch)
self.contents.blt (x - (cw / 2), y - ch, bitmap, rect)

# ** Window_SaveFile
# Summary of Changes:
# overwritten_methods - load_gamedata,

class Window_SaveFile < Window_Base
# * Load Partial Game Data
# The same as the original method with the exception that it gets all of
# that file's data up to @game_party - necessary for composite graphics
def load_gamedata
@time_stamp = Time.at(0)
@file_exist = FileTest.exist?(@filename)
if @file_exist
file = File.open(@filename, "r")
@time_stamp = file.mtime
@characters = Marshal.load(file)
@frame_count = Marshal.load(file)
@last_bgm = Marshal.load(file)
@last_bgs = Marshal.load(file)
@game_system = Marshal.load(file)
@game_message = Marshal.load(file)
@game_switches = Marshal.load(file)
@game_variables = Marshal.load(file)
# Bypass self-switches
@game_self_switches = Marshal.load(file)
# Bypass Actors
@game_actors = Marshal.load(file)
# Get Party
@game_party = Marshal.load (file)
@total_sec = @frame_count / Graphics.frame_rate
@file_exist = false
# * Draw Party Characters
# x : Draw spot X coordinate
# y : Draw spot Y coordinate
def draw_party_characters(x, y)
for i in 0...@game_party.actors.size
draw_actor_graphic (@game_actors[@game_party.actors[i]], x + i * 48, y)

aiutatemi non riesco a far funzionare sto script, questo script serve a far cambiare grafica durante il cambio equip, ma ho il prblema che cambia la grafica agli alleati come vuole lui, quindi aiuto

    Impaled Janus
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#2 Inviato 16 September 2012 - 13:11 PM

Non posso aiutarti per lo script, ma se vuoi che qualcuno entri, ti conviene dare un nome più sensato al topic.
Au revoir.

Grammar_Nazi_by_NachtElf.gif Proud Grammar Nazi - Piango a ogni vostro errore Grammar_Nazi_by_NachtElf.gif


fablecontest2nd.pngcc_2.png  cc_special.png  shortgame_2.png  post-6-0-68253800-1408714049.gif  SCContest3Oct.gif  SCContest1Oct.gif  SCContest1Oct.gif  SCContest1Oct.gif  SCContest1Oct.gif  SCContest2Oct.gif  SCContest2Oct.gif









    Guardian of Irael
  • Coniglietto Rosso

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  • Provenienza:Bagnaia (Viterbo)
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#3 Inviato 16 September 2012 - 18:02 PM

Nox... non è poco che stai sul forum, sarebbe bene incominciare a seguire le regole!
1. Titoli indicativi del problema interno.
2. No linguaggi sms (non qui ma altrove fatto... )
3. Spiegarsi per bene, usare punteggiatura e dopo aver scritto il topic rileggerlo, correggere gli errori e vedere se c'è tutto il necessario per capire.
4. Spiegare cosa hai fatto per far funzionare lo script, i parametri che hai dato, cosa vuoi ottenere...


# \CG[<Name of Character Set>, <index in character set>, <hue>]
# If you leave out index, it defaults to 0 and if you leave out hue, it also
# defaults to 0. You can put more than one graphic to an armor or weapon and
# they will stack, first one on bottom last one on top.

Lo script qui sembra specificare per bene che devi mettere nome, indice e cose del genere, tu cosa hai messo? ^ ^

(^ ^) <----coniglietto rosso, me!     
(> <)

Il mio Tumblr dove seguire i miei progetti, i progetti della Reverie : : Project ^ ^
KdUDtQt.png disponibile su Google Play, qui i dettagli! ^ ^
FwnGMI3.png completo! Giocabile online, qui i dettagli! ^ ^  
REVERIE : : RENDEZVOUS (In allenamento per apprendere le buone arti prima di cominciarlo per bene ^ ^) Trovate i dettagli qui insieme alla mia intervista (non utilizzerò più rpgmaker) ^ ^


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  • 164 messaggi
  • Sesso:Maschio
  • Provenienza:NAPOLI
  • Abilitā:Novizio

#4 Inviato 16 September 2012 - 18:26 PM

So come si fa,il problema è che quando inizio il gioco i miei compagni assumono a 2 a 2 una grafice diversa da quella loro messa, e poi io se provo ad equip altri all'arte il giocatore non fa -.-;/

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#5 Inviato 18 September 2012 - 19:52 PM

hai messo altri script oltre a quello nel tuo progetto?
poi metti uno spoiler la prossima volta perchè mi sono rotto il dito sulla rotellina del mouse

Modificato da Seanbb, 18 September 2012 - 19:52 PM.

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#6 Inviato 19 September 2012 - 13:42 PM

Si ma ho provato pure su progetti senza script ma nnt

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#7 Inviato 19 September 2012 - 19:34 PM

scrivi con calma lo scopo finale dello script , i passi che hai eseguito dopo aver inserito lo script e l'errore che ti appare

Modificato da Seanbb, 19 September 2012 - 19:34 PM.

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#8 Inviato 19 September 2012 - 20:14 PM

alora uso un abs e io metto nelle note i tag necessari per far apparire un equipaggiamento visibile ora il problema è che con uno script caterpillar , mi vengono mostrate i character dei giocatori ma non quelle che scelgo io e se provo ad equippagiare un arma non funge T.T non la fa proprio vedere

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#9 Inviato 19 September 2012 - 23:09 PM

nox, dimmi un titolo da mettere a 'sto topic.


ElfGamesWorks Forum


My adventure game
Little Briar Rose



Altri progetti: Oh! I'm Getting Taller! / Il pifferaio di Hamelin

I miei Fumetti: Folletto Vs Nenè / A.s.D. / A.s.D.2

fablecontest1st.pngSCContest3Oct.gif 1zokd2s.png  qRfaRqE.png  eger81.gifBEu6G.gifeger81.gif

Un sogno nel cassetto...




Scheda di Zuppo Del'Oquie


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  • 164 messaggi
  • Sesso:Maschio
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#10 Inviato 20 September 2012 - 12:46 PM

Funzionamento Composite Characters/Visual Equipment

    Guardian of Irael
  • Coniglietto Rosso

  • Rpg˛S Admin
  • Rens: 195
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  • StellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStelletta
  • 58424 messaggi
  • Sesso:Maschio
  • Provenienza:Bagnaia (Viterbo)
  • Abilitā:Apprendista

#11 Inviato 20 September 2012 - 13:15 PM

Ricorda che puoi modificarlo tu stesso tramite modifica del primo post, fatto! ^ ^

(^ ^) <----coniglietto rosso, me!     
(> <)

Il mio Tumblr dove seguire i miei progetti, i progetti della Reverie : : Project ^ ^
KdUDtQt.png disponibile su Google Play, qui i dettagli! ^ ^
FwnGMI3.png completo! Giocabile online, qui i dettagli! ^ ^  
REVERIE : : RENDEZVOUS (In allenamento per apprendere le buone arti prima di cominciarlo per bene ^ ^) Trovate i dettagli qui insieme alla mia intervista (non utilizzerò più rpgmaker) ^ ^


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