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Screen Contest #90


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Conflitto stealth script con inserimento nome

    Team Dodo
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#1 Inviato 13 July 2016 - 15:12 PM

Salve, abbiamo provato ad implementare uno script "stealth" (muoversi evitando le guardie ecc.) incluso sotto. Funziona, però quando si usa la funzione "Inserisci Nome Eroe" il risultato è "script 'stealth' line 136: ArgumentError occurred. wrong number of arguments (0 for 1)". Potreste darci una mano? Grazie in anticipo.

module Trace # <= don't touch this
# ? ??-VX ? Trace Stealth System ? version 2.2 ? Prof. Meow Meow
# Converted to VXA by LiTTleDRAgo
# 1.0
# ? Initial release
# 1.1
# ? Alert no longer counts down while a message is displayed
# ? Revised the trace method, slimming it down and fixing the following bugs:
# ? Fixed a bug where tracers' vision would sometimes be blocked by itself
# ? Fixed a bug where tracers would see through Same As Characters events
# 2.0
# ? Added the sound stealth system
# ? Changed the way the trace range is handled
# ? Added ability to disable a tracer's senses
# 2.1
# ? Patched minors bugs
# 2.2
# ? Rewrote trace method using Bresenham's Line Algorithm
# ? Tracing With Style - please read everything!
#   Tracer (n): Anything that is searching for the player, e.g., a guard.
#   Designate which events are a tracer by including "tracer" in its name.
#   When a tracer event sees the player, the Alert Switch it turned ON.
#   When the Alert Switch is turned on, a countdown begins. If the player
#   remains out of site for 1800 frames, the Alert Switch is turned OFF.
ALERT_SWITCH = 242        # any game switch
ALERT_COUNTDOWN = 60  # frames (60 frames is 1 second; 1800 frames is 30 sec)
# ? Change How Far Your Guards Can See
#   By default, tracers have an average range of vision: 5 tiles.
#   A tracer's range should be odd: 3, 5, 7, 9, etc.
#   An even value will be the next odd number, e.g., 4 will be a range of 5.
TRACE_RANGE_DEFAULT = 2 # any odd value
#   You can change the range at any time by calling this line:
#    ? $game_map.trace_range = n   where n is the new sight range
#   You may want to change the trace range when the lighting changes:
#    ? For a dark room, or during the night, use 3 or 5.
#    ? For a lit room, or during the day, use 5 or higher.
# ? Three Ways To Hide The Player From Sight
#   There are three methods that can be used to hide the player:
#    ? Make the player transparent
#    ? Make the player's opacity to HIDE_OPACITY or lower
#    ? Change the Hide Switch to ON
HIDE_OPACITY = 50      # 0~255 (for realism, keep it low)
HIDE_SWITCH = 243         # any game switch
# ? 2.0 Feature ? Making a Ruckus: a guide to sound stealth ?
#   All noises have a loudness value which is it's range. For example, a
#   noise with a loudness of 4 will be heard by all guards within 4 tiles.
#   To make a noise, call the following line from within a Move Route command:
#    ? tss_noise(n)   where n is the range of the noise
#   When a tracer hears a noise, its Caution Self Swith is set ON.
#   To have the tracer move toward the source the sound, call the following
#   line from within it's custom autonomous movement:
#    ? tss_investigate
#   Once the tracer reaches the source, its Caution Self Switch is set OFF.
CAUTION_SELF_SWITCH = "C"         # "A", "B", "C", or "D"
#   When the player sprints, he or she makes some noise!
#   You can change how much noise is made at any time by calling this line:
#    ? $game_player.sprint_noise = n   where n is the range of the noise
DEFAULT_SPRINT_NOISE = 3          # any value (set this to 0 to disable)
#   Here are some example of noises and their estimated range:
#    ? Creaking Floor............ 1~2
#    ? Carefully Closing a Door.. 2~3
#    ? Sneezing or Coughing...... 4~5
#    ? Bumping Into Something.... 4~5
#    ? Tripping Over Furniture... 6~7
#    ? Breaking Glass............ 8~9
#    Sprinting:
#    ? Thief Sprinting........... 2~3
#    ? Civilian Sprinting........ 4~6
#    ? Soldier Sprinting......... 7~9
#    Dialogue:
#    ? Whispering................ 2~3
#    ? Talking................... 4~6
#    ? Shouting.................. 7~9
# ? 2.0 Feature ? Two Ways To Disable a Tracer's Senses
#   There are two methods that can be used to disable a tracer's "senses":
#    ? Erase the tracer event
#    ? Change it's Disabling Self Switch to ON
#   Prof tip: "D" is for many things- dead, disabled.... When you knock out a
#   guard, erase or turn it's "D" self switch ON so he can't see or hear you!
ALLOW_SELF_SWITCH_DISABLING = true  # true~false
DISABLING_SELF_SWITCH = "D"         # "A", "B", "C", or "D"
# ? Special Effects
#   When a guard sees you, an ! appears above all heads and an ME plays.
SHOW_ALERT = true               # Do you want the ! to display? true~false
PLAY_ALERT = true               # Do you want an ME to play?    true~false
ALERT_ME = "Audio/ME/Shock"     # Which ME do you want to play? any ME
ALERT_VOLUME = 30              # At what volume?               0~100
ALERT_PITCH = 30               # At what pitch?                50~150
#   When the guards call off the search, a ? appears above all heads.
SHOW_QUIT = true                # Do you want the ? to display? true~false
#   2.0 Feature ? When a guards hears a noise, a ? appears above it's head
#   and an ME plays.
SHOW_CAUTION = true             # Do you want the ? to display? true~false
PLAY_CAUTION = true             # Do you want an ME to play?    true~false
CAUTION_ME = "Audio/ME/Mystery" # Which ME do you want to play? any ME
CAUTION_VOLUME = 30            # At what volume?               0~100
CAUTION_PITCH = 30             # At what pitch?                50~150
# ? 2.0 Feature ? Something For Fun
#   You can call huh? or hey! through an event script to display '?' or '!'
#   above all active tracer heads!
# ? DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING BELOW THIS POINT - this is for your own safety!   
# Game System
class Game_Map
  # Local Variables
  attr_accessor :trace_range
  attr_accessor :alert_countdown
  # Update
  alias trace_system_update update unless $@
  def update(*args)
    @trace_range     ||= Trace::TRACE_RANGE_DEFAULT
    @alert_countdown ||= 0
    if @alert_countdown > 0 and !$game_message.visible
      @alert_countdown -= 1
    elsif @alert_countdown <= 0 and $game_switches[Trace::ALERT_SWITCH]
      if Trace::SHOW_QUIT
        for i in $game_map.events.keys
          event = $game_map.events[i]
          if event.name.include?("tracer") and !event.erased
            next if Trace::ALLOW_SELF_SWITCH_DISABLING and
            event.balloon_id = 2
      $game_switches[Trace::ALERT_SWITCH] = false
      $game_map.need_refresh = true
# Game Character
class Game_Character
  # Local Variables
  attr_accessor :old_x
  attr_accessor :old_y
  attr_accessor :old_player_x
  attr_accessor :old_player_y
  attr_accessor :attention_x
  attr_accessor :attention_y
  # Initialize
  alias trace_initialize initialize unless $@
  def initialize
    @old_x = @x
    @old_y = @y
    @old_player_x = 0
    @old_player_y = 0
    @attention_x = @x
    @attention_y = @y
  # Update
  alias trace_update update unless $@
  def update
    if @id > 0 # if an event
      if name.include?("tracer") and not @erased
        if @old_x != @x or @old_y != @y or
           @old_player_x != $game_player.x or @old_player_y != $game_player.y
          if !$game_switches[Trace::ALERT_SWITCH]
            if tss_trace
              if Trace::PLAY_ALERT
                name = Trace::ALERT_ME
                volume = Trace::ALERT_VOLUME
                pitch = Trace::ALERT_PITCH
                Audio.me_play(name, volume, pitch)
              if Trace::SHOW_ALERT                     
                for event in $game_map.events.values
                  if event.name.include?("tracer") and !event.erased
                    next if Trace::ALLOW_SELF_SWITCH_DISABLING and
                    event.balloon_id = 1
              $game_switches[Trace::ALERT_SWITCH] = true
              $game_map.alert_countdown = Trace::ALERT_COUNTDOWN
              $game_map.need_refresh = true
          @old_x = @x
          @old_y = @y
          @old_player_x = $game_player.x
          @old_player_y = $game_player.y
        if [(@x - @attention_x).abs, (@y - @attention_y).abs].max < 2 and
          @balloon_id = 2 if Trace::SHOW_QUIT
          set_self_switch(Trace::CAUTION_SELF_SWITCH, false)
  # Trace
  def tss_trace(range = $game_map.trace_range)
    return false if Trace::ALLOW_SELF_SWITCH_DISABLING and
    return false if $game_player.transparent
    return false if $game_switches[Trace::HIDE_SWITCH]
    return false if $game_player.opacity <= Trace::HIDE_OPACITY
    return false if (range||0) > 0 and !player_in_sight_field?
    x0, y0 = @x * 32 + 16, @y * 32 + 16
    x1, y1 = $game_player.x * 32 + 16, $game_player.y * 32 + 16
    line_points = get_line(x0, y0, x1, y1)
    check_countdown = Trace::CHECK_INTERVAL
    line_points.each do |point|
      if check_countdown > 0
        check_countdown -= 1
        check_countdown = Trace::CHECK_INTERVAL
        x, y = point[:x]/32, point[:y]/32
        break if !$game_player.passable?(x, y, @direction) and !pos?(x, y)
        return true if $game_player.pos?(x, y)
    return false
  # Player In Sight Field?
  def player_in_sight_field?   
    # Find the center of the range because the range is radial
    range = 1 + $game_map.trace_range / 2
    # Find the center of the field of vision
    center_vision_x = @x
    center_vision_y = @y
    center_vision_y += range if @direction == 2
    center_vision_x -= range if @direction == 4
    center_vision_x += range if @direction == 6
    center_vision_y -= range if @direction == 8
    # Calculate the X & Y distances between the center of vision and player
    sx = center_vision_x - $game_player.x
    sy = center_vision_y - $game_player.y
    # Return true if the player is within the field of vision
    return true if [sx.abs,sy.abs].max < range
    # Otherwise, return false
    return false
  # Noise
  def tss_noise(range = 0)
    if $game_switches[Trace::ALERT_SWITCH] == false
      for event in $game_map.events.values
        if event.name.include?("tracer") and !event.erased
          next if Trace::ALLOW_SELF_SWITCH_DISABLING and
          sx = event.x - @x
          sy = event.y - @y
          if [sx.abs, sy.abs].max <= range
            if Trace::PLAY_CAUTION
              name = Trace::CAUTION_ME
              volume = Trace::CAUTION_VOLUME
              pitch = Trace::CAUTION_PITCH
              Audio.me_play(name, volume, pitch)
            event.attention_x = @x
            event.attention_y = @y
            event.balloon_id = 2 if Trace::SHOW_CAUTION
            event.set_self_switch(Trace::CAUTION_SELF_SWITCH, true)
  # * Investigate
  def tss_investigate
    sx = @x - @attention_x
    sy = @y - @attention_y
    if sx.abs + sy.abs >= 20
      case rand(6)
      when 0..3;  move_toward_position(@attention_x,@attention_y)
      when 4;     move_random
      when 5;     move_forward
  # * Move Toward Position
  def move_toward_position(x,y)
    sx = @x - x
    sy = @y - y
    if sx != 0 or sy != 0
      if sx.abs > sy.abs                  # Horizontal distance is longer
        sx > 0 ? move_left : move_right   # Prioritize left-right
        if @move_failed and sy != 0
          sy > 0 ? move_up : move_down
      else                                # Vertical distance is longer
        sy > 0 ? move_up : move_down      # Prioritize up-down
        if @move_failed and sx != 0
          sx > 0 ? move_left : move_right
  # Get Self Switch
  def get_self_switch(switch)
    key = [@map_id, @id, switch]
    return $game_self_switches[key]
  # Set Self Switch
  def set_self_switch(switch,true_false)
    key = [@map_id, @id, switch]
    $game_self_switches[key] = true_false
    $game_map.need_refresh = true
  # Get Line
  # Algorithm by.. Bresenham
  # Written by.... RogueBasin
  def get_line(x0,y0,x1,y1)
    original_x0, original_y0 = x0, y0
    points = []
    steep = ((y1-y0).abs) > ((x1-x0).abs)
    if steep
      x0,y0 = y0,x0
      x1,y1 = y1,x1
    if x0 > x1
      x0,x1 = x1,x0
      y0,y1 = y1,y0
    deltax = x1-x0
    deltay = (y1-y0).abs
    error = (deltax / 2).to_i
    y = y0
    ystep = nil
    if y0 < y1
      ystep = 1
      ystep = -1
    for x in x0..x1
      if steep
        points << {:x => y, :y => x}
        points << {:x => x, :y => y}
      error -= deltay
      if error < 0
        y += ystep
        error += deltax
    if original_x0 != points[0][:x] or original_y0 != points[0][:y]
    return points
# Game Event
class Game_Event < Game_Character
  # Name (get name)
  def name
    return @event.name
  # Erased (get erased)
  def erased
    return @erased
# Game Player
class Game_Player < Game_Character
  # Local Variables
  attr_accessor :old_steps
  attr_accessor :sprint_noise
  # Update
  alias trace_player_update update unless $@
  def update(*args)
    @old_steps    ||= 0
    @sprint_noise ||= Trace::DEFAULT_SPRINT_NOISE
    if $game_party.steps > @old_steps + 5 and moving? and dash?
      @old_steps = $game_party.steps
# Game Interpreter
class Game_Interpreter
  # Huh?
  def huh?
    for event in $game_map.events.values
      if event.name.include?("tracer") and !event.erased
        next if Trace::ALLOW_SELF_SWITCH_DISABLING and
        event.balloon_id = 2 # display ?
  # Hey!
  def hey!
    for event in $game_map.events.values
      if event.name.include?("tracer") and !event.erased
        next if Trace::ALLOW_SELF_SWITCH_DISABLING and
        event.balloon_id = 1 # display !
class Game_Character
  unless method_defined?(:move_upper_right)
    define_method(:move_down)  {|*args| move_straight(2)}
    define_method(:move_left)  {|*args| move_straight(4)}
    define_method(:move_right) {|*args| move_straight(6)}
    define_method(:move_up)    {|*args| move_straight(8)}
    define_method(:move_lower_left)  {|*args| move_diagonal(4, 2)}
    define_method(:move_lower_right) {|*args| move_diagonal(6, 2)}
    define_method(:move_upper_left)  {|*args| move_diagonal(4, 8)}
    define_method(:move_upper_right) {|*args| move_diagonal(6, 8)}



Profilo del Team Dodo, usato da: Denkishi, Giggi1630 (creatori del gioco), Tetragono (sito web).

I nostri post possono essere a nome di tutto il team, oppure esprimiamo le nostre opinioni in post diversi (firmati).

    Guardian of Irael
  • Coniglietto Rosso

  • Rpg˛S Admin
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  • 58424 messaggi
  • Sesso:Maschio
  • Provenienza:Bagnaia (Viterbo)
  • Abilitā:Apprendista

#2 Inviato 13 July 2016 - 16:08 PM

A me non sembra dar problemi. Siete sicuri che non ci sono anche altri script a dare interferenze? Avete provato su un nuovo progetto? ^ ^

(^ ^) <----coniglietto rosso, me!     
(> <)

Il mio Tumblr dove seguire i miei progetti, i progetti della Reverie : : Project ^ ^
KdUDtQt.png disponibile su Google Play, qui i dettagli! ^ ^
FwnGMI3.png completo! Giocabile online, qui i dettagli! ^ ^  
REVERIE : : RENDEZVOUS (In allenamento per apprendere le buone arti prima di cominciarlo per bene ^ ^) Trovate i dettagli qui insieme alla mia intervista (non utilizzerò più rpgmaker) ^ ^


    Team Dodo
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#3 Inviato 13 July 2016 - 17:38 PM

Grazie, abbiamo provato e scoperto che basta disabilitare Khas Awesome Light Effects e non ci sono errori. Noi però vorremmo utilizzare ambedue gli script, potresti aiutarci a capire il problema?


Profilo del Team Dodo, usato da: Denkishi, Giggi1630 (creatori del gioco), Tetragono (sito web).

I nostri post possono essere a nome di tutto il team, oppure esprimiamo le nostre opinioni in post diversi (firmati).

    Guardian of Irael
  • Coniglietto Rosso

  • Rpg˛S Admin
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  • Sesso:Maschio
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#4 Inviato 13 July 2016 - 20:34 PM

Purtroppo non sono uno scripter e non saprei proprio dove metter mano. Conta che far quadrare tra loro vari script non è cosa semplice, serve uno esperto.

A volte si risolve cambiando l'ordine degli script, mettendo sopra o sotto quello che dà problemi con gli altri. Provate! ^ ^

(^ ^) <----coniglietto rosso, me!     
(> <)

Il mio Tumblr dove seguire i miei progetti, i progetti della Reverie : : Project ^ ^
KdUDtQt.png disponibile su Google Play, qui i dettagli! ^ ^
FwnGMI3.png completo! Giocabile online, qui i dettagli! ^ ^  
REVERIE : : RENDEZVOUS (In allenamento per apprendere le buone arti prima di cominciarlo per bene ^ ^) Trovate i dettagli qui insieme alla mia intervista (non utilizzerò più rpgmaker) ^ ^


    Team Dodo
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#5 Inviato 14 July 2016 - 16:00 PM

Ok, grazie, proveremo.


Profilo del Team Dodo, usato da: Denkishi, Giggi1630 (creatori del gioco), Tetragono (sito web).

I nostri post possono essere a nome di tutto il team, oppure esprimiamo le nostre opinioni in post diversi (firmati).

    Team Dodo
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#6 Inviato 07 August 2016 - 17:35 PM

Alla fine abbiamo "risolto" eliminando lo script "Keyboard Input - Porting to VX-ACE (v.3.0) by Keroro", ripristinando così l'interfaccia di default per l'inserimento del nome (non può essere più inserito da tastiera). Una soluzione alternativa ci sarebbe utile ma non l'abbiamo trovata.

Modificato da Team Dodo, 07 August 2016 - 17:35 PM.


Profilo del Team Dodo, usato da: Denkishi, Giggi1630 (creatori del gioco), Tetragono (sito web).

I nostri post possono essere a nome di tutto il team, oppure esprimiamo le nostre opinioni in post diversi (firmati).

    Guardian of Irael
  • Coniglietto Rosso

  • Rpg˛S Admin
  • Rens: 195
  • 19
  • StellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStelletta
  • 58424 messaggi
  • Sesso:Maschio
  • Provenienza:Bagnaia (Viterbo)
  • Abilitā:Apprendista

#7 Inviato 07 August 2016 - 22:42 PM

Ah peccato l'aver perso uno script fatto da qualcuno del forum, ma se proprio non era necessario... alla fine si tratta di inserire qualche nome, magari l'uso della tastiera è meglio lasciarlo a cose più complesse.

^ ^

(^ ^) <----coniglietto rosso, me!     
(> <)

Il mio Tumblr dove seguire i miei progetti, i progetti della Reverie : : Project ^ ^
KdUDtQt.png disponibile su Google Play, qui i dettagli! ^ ^
FwnGMI3.png completo! Giocabile online, qui i dettagli! ^ ^  
REVERIE : : RENDEZVOUS (In allenamento per apprendere le buone arti prima di cominciarlo per bene ^ ^) Trovate i dettagli qui insieme alla mia intervista (non utilizzerò più rpgmaker) ^ ^


    Team Dodo
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  • Abilitā:Apprendista

#8 Inviato 11 August 2016 - 15:28 PM

Ci spiace aver dovuto eliminare lo script, ma non abbiamo trovato alternative. Lo avevamo usato poiché secondo noi l'interfaccia di default per inserire il nome, con frecce  e invio, è scomoda.

Modificato da Team Dodo, 11 August 2016 - 15:28 PM.


Profilo del Team Dodo, usato da: Denkishi, Giggi1630 (creatori del gioco), Tetragono (sito web).

I nostri post possono essere a nome di tutto il team, oppure esprimiamo le nostre opinioni in post diversi (firmati).

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